Moges Asressie
Associate Professor
Moges Asressie Chanyalew obtained his MSc degree in Health Monitoring and Evaluation from Jima University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2014. He was one of good performing students during his postgraduate studies. He has been working in Amhara Region Health Bureau since 2006.
Moges has been attended several trainings in his work experience since 2006. For instance, he obtained certificates in Grant Management and Financial Administration and Appropriation Law for Federal Grants organized by PEPFAR. He has also received TOT on Quality Improvement and Assurance and Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation. Also, he is participated on Quality project Design and Continuous Quality Improvement / CQI / Training organized by Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with ICAP-CU. He received certificates on Smart care, HMIS/DHIS2 and HRIS organized by Federal Ministry of Health. Additionally, he has skills in Ms word, Ms Excel, Ms-PowerPoint, Ms Publisher, SPSS, STATA and R software, too.
Currently Moges Asressie is attending his postgraduate study in PhD program in Public Health informatics at the University of Gondar. He is one of our DDCF research grant winner of the year 2019/2020 and his PhD dissertation tittle is “Effectiveness and Implementation of Capacity Building and Mentorship Program (CBMP) in Improving Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Northwest, Ethiopia, 2019-2021”.
- Strengthening the national health information system through a capacity-building and mentorship partnership (CBMP) programme: a health system and university partnership initiative in Ethiopia, 2021, BMC Health Research Policy and Systems
https://trebuchet.public.springernature.app/get_content/9b83eb17-2ba7-40b2-8b90-8dd8557dc77 - Assessment of barriers to the implementation of community-based data verification and immunization data discrepancies between health facilities and the community in Tach Gayint district, Northwest Ethiopia. Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-3):09-1
- Assessment of immunization data management practices, facilitators, and barriers to immunization data quality in the health facilities of Tach Gayint district, Northwest Ethiopia. 2021. Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-3):09-15
- Outcome evaluation of capacity building and mentorship partnership (CBMP) program on data quality in the public health facilities of Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental evaluation. 2021, BMC Health Service
- Routine health information system utilization for evidence-based decision making in Amhara national regional state, northwest Ethiopia: a multi-level analysis. 2021. BMC Decision-making and Medical InformaticsSociodemographic profiling of tuberculosis hotspots in Ethiopia. 2019 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Assessment of the Performance of the Routine Health Information System in Seven Capacity Building And Mentorship Program(CBMP) Woredas Of Amhara And Benshangual-Gumuz Regions, FMOH 20th Annual Report, 2018