- Improve data quality and transformation of health information in the two regions.
- Improve the capacity of health workers and health managers to use health information for evidence-based decision-making.
- Build the capacity of health workers and health managers at all levels in the two woredas to analyze, use and prepare quality reports.
- Implement DHIS2, EMR and HRIS systems in selected facilities and woreda health offices of two regions.
- Conduct continuous Implementation Science Research to identify what works and what does not in improving data quality and ensuring information use in the two regions..
DHIS2 Training Workshop for Woreda Health Office
Key Focus Priorities
- Support Woredas and health facilities to improve data quality.
- Build capacity of health administrators and health care workers to improve the culture of information use for decision making.
- Support the implementation of DHIS2, EMR and HRIS systems.
- Improve sustainability and continue enhancement of selected eHealth applications through centers of Excellence.
- Integrate HIS in pre and In-service trainings.
- Support for Connected Woreda Program Implementation.
- Comprehensive and continuous Support to make them Model Woreda’s.
- Training and mentorship to the selected Woredas
- Data analytics, Data triangulation and evidence generation support to Woreda, Zonal, regional and FMOH staffs through publication and quarterly health profile publication.
- Transform HIS at our University Hospital and selected Woreda’s
- HIS Centers of Excellence establishment to develop innovative Interventions for scale
- Implementation of Science Research and Capacity Building for a sustainable impact on the health system
The University will collaborate with FMOH and RHBs in the implementation of those initiatives in those two regions. The university will use its strong and multidisciplinary team of experts at CDHI . Research projects of masters and PhD students will be linked to this implementation woreda’s to generate evidence on our interventions.