Adane Letta Mamuye (MSC ,PhD)
Associate Professor
E-mail: Adane L.Mamuye 1 OR Adane L.Mamuye 2
Cell Phone: +251-975164638
P.o.Box: 196
Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Bio sketch
Bio sketch
Adane completed PhD in Computer Science at University of Camerino, Italy. His research interests lie in the area of bioinformatics, complex system modeling, signal analysis, image processing and E-health and mHelath. His current works are developing an efficient optical character recognizer for Ge’ez scripts and analyzing EEG signal and time-series data for Epilepsy and weather predictions, respectively. He has also collaborated actively with researches in public health and health informatics disciplines on mHealth and other e-health researches.
- Capacity building and mentorship project (CBMP) at Amhara and Benshangual Gumuz Regional State.
- mHealth Consultancy for Sexual and Reproduction Health.
- Adane Mamuye, Matteo Rucco and Emanuella Merelli. Persistent Homology Analysis for RNA. Journal of Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, 2016, 4:14-25.
- Alehegn K., Adane M., Biniyam T.. Web Usage Characterization for System Performance Improvement. 1st EAI International Conference on ICT for Development for Africa, Bahir Dar, 2017. To be appeared in Springer.
- Adane Mamuye, Matteo Rucco. Persistent Homology on RNA Secondary Structure Space. BICT’15 Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS), 189-192, 2016.
- Adane Mamuye, Emanuela Merelli and Luca Tesei. Towards a Shape Language for Interpreting RNA Folding. BICT’15 Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS), 185-188, 2016.
- Adane Mamuye, Emanuela Merelli and Luca Tesei. A Graph Grammar for Modeling RNA Folding. 2nd Graphs as Models workshop (GaM 2016).