Title: System Developer at CDHI
E-mail: mikiaswondim0962939288@gmail.com
Cell Phone: +251962929388
P.o.Box: 196
Address: Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Bio sketch
Bio sketch
Mikias Wondim is a recent graduate from the University of Gondar, where he earned a gold medal in Computer Science. Possessing a keen interest in system development, particularly within the realm of Intelligence Systems, Mikias brings to the table a robust understanding and proficiency in Machine Learning and Data Science.
Currently at CDHi, Mikias serves as a Software Developer within the Ozone HIS team. In this capacity, he is dedicated to the development of digital health systems, specializing in Electronic Medical Recording and Health Information Systems. His primary focus lies in the customization of open-source software solutions such as OpenMRS, ODOO, Seniate, and similar platforms. Mikias’s expertise and commitment contribute significantly to the advancement of digital healthcare solutions.