A framework for mHealth in Ethiopia developed in 2011 suggested mobile health interventions can be used to address the needs for communication, referral, training and education, supply chain management, data exchange, and consultation. Although the mHealth interventions have shown huge opportunities in health care so far, there has been insufficient scientific evidence and little is known about their effectiveness in improving maternal health services specifically post-natal care in Ethiopia.
Study areas
- Gondar town as an intervention and Bahirdar town as a control.
Study period
- The study runs from August 1, 2017, to April 30, 2018. August is for baseline data collection, September to February for follow-up, and March to April for final report and manuscript writing.
Study Design
- Randomized controlled study design will be used to assess the role of reminder-based mHealth interventions in improving post-natal care services (PNC).
- Assess the effectiveness and feasibility of reminder based mHealth interventions in improving post natal care service in Gondar town, Ethiopia.
- Determine facilitators and barriers of implementing reminder based mHealth interventions in Gondar town, Ethiopia .
Outcome Measurement
A computerized application will be developed for SMS reminder scheduling. The system will be hosted at the University of Gondar server center with its own dedicated space and secured access to research staff members. The reminder-based mHealth application will be interfaced with the server to send the messages to the mothers based on automatically configured time. The text message will contain greetings, information that reminds the appointment date, and additional health information about the importance of the PNC service.
- A cross-sectional survey will be used at baseline and at the end line to assess the outcomes. The primary outcomes will be