Ethiopia has faced challenges in implementing EMR systems in public health facilities due to inadequate training, lack of management commitment, poor ICT infrastructure, and hardware/software issues compounded by the absence of a national EMR implementation roadmap. Despite these setbacks, the country has recently made significant strides in deploying health information systems like DHIS2, eCHIS, eLMIS, ePHEM, and EMR. The Ministry of Health is now facilitating EMR systems that meet the Ethiopian EHR standard, including the Bahmni system, which is being implemented in various facilities, such as the University of Gondar Comprehensive and Specialized Hospital. Bahmni, an open-source Hospital Information System and EMR, integrates tools like OpenMRS, OpenERP/ODOO, dcm4chee, and OpenELIS to automate health facility services comprehensively.

Group Image EMR Experience Sharing
The primary goal of this project is to customize and implement the Bahmni system at the University of Gondar Specialized and Comprehensive Hospital.
- Formation of a multidisciplinary team from the University of Gondar.
- Engagement with Digital Health Activities (DHA) for partnership.
- Agreement with DHA for Bahmni system customization.
- Ministry of Health recommendation for Bahmni implementation.
- Proposal drafting and approval by UoG management.
Priority Activities
- Capacity building
- eHealth literacy and EMR readiness assessments
- Requirement Gathering and Analysis
- System Installation and Configuration
- System Customization and Implementation
- Monitoring and Evaluation
UP & Running EMR Modules
- Central Triage, Emergency Triage, Patient Registration Unit
- Clinical Module, Order Fulfillment, PACS Integration
- Radiology Upload, Patient Documents , Laboratory , Appointments
- Appointments Scheduling, Programs (e.g., ART) , Bed Management
- Operation Theatre Scheduling, Report
- Integrate machines like Mobile X-ray, Hormone, and Chemistry Chemistry