The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) is a five-year project that aims to support the development of government-led health learning platforms that draw on implementation research to help inform efforts to build enduring and resilient health systems. It is designed to use existing health data, implementation research methods, and research training to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services and health service delivery.

Model faculty award and certification ceremony in Wogera district
- Improve the capacity of implementers to conduct implementation research to inform and improve health information systems and health program policy and performance
- Improve the relevance and effectiveness of critical data use solutions and accelerate their introduction, adoption, and scale-up
- Document and explore the pathway that leads from increased utilization of quality data to improved service delivery and health outcomes
Key Activities
- Improved capacity for implementation research among health managers and researchers
- Increased evidence from implementation science research to scale up data use interventions
- Conducting Mentorship and supportive supervision

DDCF supported program closeout workshop